See where that seam is? Well, there is another front to the soaker. You can have the double fronts up front for a boy.
Or you ou can flop it back for a girl or for a itty bitty that still is only pooping breastmilk.And while they are small enough - just fold both up. I know it's super absorbency for a little person that needs a diaper like every 45 minutes, BUT for when you have a cluster feeder that takes super pees - it's kind of nice (and for at night when you are praying they sleep for 2-3 hours).
You can put all the pretties you want on a diaper, but you need a good soaker. The top is made up of OBV, zorb, and hemp fleece and the bottom flap is hemp fleece, zorb, and OBV.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Posted by Janice at 7:35 PM 0 comments
Rock Star Diapers
Do I need three? Probably not, but I'm a diaper hoarder. Reason number twenty why I will never sell diapers.
Brandon changed Everett and slapped a cover on him before there was an action shot. However, I finally caught a smile :)
Posted by Janice at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Too Cute
I've got nothing crafty to share, but Benny was being cute.
Yes, those are big boy boxer briefs (which will be used to make a pattern for trainers when we start potty training). We normally give him naked time before he goes for a bath, but his grammy bought him some underwear
When did he suddenly decide to look like he is 4 years old?
His new trick...
Everyday he finds something to get into that I would prefer him not to. Hopefully, he doesn't get too hurt on the gate when he learns it might not be the best toy.
And for the record he was probably without a diaper for 45 minutes and didn't have an accident. I wish he would understand what the potty is for and not just some cool toy in the bathroom that I make him sit on before we get in the shower.
Posted by Janice at 7:56 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
Brotherly Bums
So, how do I spend my weekend? Making matching diapers, of course. I should have napped, cleaned, cooked for the week... basically anything but craft. However, I needed a mommy timeout and something to distract me.
Benny is being studly in his new diaper. He is becoming such a little ham. Seriously, he is too cute sometimes. Our kids are going to have HUGE egos because Brandon and I are both "aww you're so cute", "you're so smart", "you're the best toddler/baby EVER"... you get the point... we are those kind of parents.
Everett and Benny rocking their new diapers. Brandon's arm is there to keep Benny from smushing his brother. We realize at some point smushing will happen, but we aren't quite ready for it yet. Just look at Benny - he is ready to pounce.
Everett is pretty lucky he is cute and has awesome gas smiles to make up for his sleep schedule.Ta-da. I made a pattern that I'm finally happy with... and it fits both boys! My soaker was too long, but I'll do it right next time and make a post about my soakers. I also tried to make Benny a tank top. I did, but it's too small. One of Benny's smaller friends... ahem Whitaker... will score it since Everett will most likely fit in it during the winter...
Posted by Janice at 9:28 AM 1 comments