Saturday, August 15, 2009

You too can dye (part 3)

Drain your yarn.

Put saran wrap underneath your yarn. Honestly, spring for the good stuff with the cutter. I make squares and overlap them as I go around. This is the longest step for me. I hate saran wrap. I'm working on a better solution so it's not so wasteful and such a pain.

Paint!! I like to use a sponge brush and dab the paint on. It keeps it under control and you can do small sections. I realize I could use the skein as is when it comes, but it might be to bulky and as a beginner I can see me leaving white spots where I don't want them.

Spritz with vinegar. I'm using an old perfume bottle. Use a ton and get all of your work. It's also a good time to check your work and make sure you didn't miss any spots.

Saran wrap your yarn up (not too tight). Start at the last piece you put down and work to the front. KEEP IT FLAT. If you have any questionable spots where you don't think it's really sealed add an extra piece. I fold it all up and then put it on a plate. For the trim, I just throw it in some plastic grocery bags, add the dye, squish it around, spray some vinegar, and done.

Next is heat setting. I use the microwave. 2 minutes on high, 3 minutes rest, 2.5 minutes on high, 3.5 minutes rest, 2 minutes high, 5 minutes rest, 1.5 minutes high. Yarn can burn so don't walk away from it. I haven't burnt yarn yet, but I would want to claw my eyes out if I ruined it.

Go to bed.

Just let your yarn sit over night. I know you want to see what it looks like, but just think of having a present to open up in the morning! Seriously, the yarn is hot and do you want to take any chances with felting? If you do go ahead and rinse on HOT and keep making the water cooler. I'm not that brave and I like having the yarn to open up in the morning.


Aunt Betty said...

Question: What if you don't have a microwave??
Aunt Betty

Janice said...

you can steam it or bake it, but i have no idea for how long.

places like J&J Auction Service
sell microwaves for fairly cheap ;)